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Lorem Ipsum

Feature Name

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sodales nisl ac metus congue vehicula. Integer eros tellus, pretium sagittis metus nec, efficitur mattis ligula.

Feature Name

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sodales nisl ac metus congue vehicula. Integer eros tellus, pretium sagittis metus nec, efficitur mattis ligula.

Feature Name

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sodales nisl ac metus congue vehicula. Integer eros tellus, pretium sagittis metus nec, efficitur mattis ligula.

How Digital Marketing Works

Marketing refers to activities that a company uses to promote its products and services and to improve its market share. To be successful, it requires a combination of advertising savvy, sales, and the ability to deliver goods to end-users. Professionals, known as marketers, take on these tasks either internally at companies or externally at marketing firms.

Sources and Receivers Advertisers are commonly referred to as sources, while recipients of the targeted ads are the receivers. Sources frequently target highly specific, well-defined receivers, as McDonald's did with shift workers and travelers. The company used digital ads because it knew these people used digital devices and made up a large segment of its late-night business. McDonald's encouraged them to download the Restaurant Finder app, targeting them with ads placed at automated teller machines (ATMs), gas stations, and websites that its customers frequented.

Your customers just learned what services you offer. Tell them why they should work with you or your team, for example you could highlight your experience and positive client reviews.


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